Reviews / Pressestimmen
"I have never quite seen anything like Tito on Ice. The film, which scooped the Grand Prize for Best Animated Feature at this year's Ottawa International Animation Festival, is a unique hybrid of animation and documentary (…) This is a radical and revolutionary film with a wholly informative account of history, but it's as far from a textbook lesson as one can get. It's both a powerful look at the horrors that war can bring and an alternatively poignant interpretation of the creative freedom that emerges after such a period of oppression. The bold, daring, and wickedly funny Tito on Ice is proof that creativity truly springs from madness."
Pat Mullen,
"Tito On Ice ist ein mutiger Animations-Dokumentations-Crossover, der sowohl witzig als auch politisch ist und eine Gegenkultur zeigt, die in der Geschichtsschreibung so selten zu sehen ist. Ein großartiger Film, der beim Animationsfestival in Ottawa prämiert wurde."
Frank Schmidke,
"Tito on Ice is weird, informative, and does something only great films do: it harmonizes form and content into a perfect cinematic rhythm."
Selina Crammond, Discorder Magazine
"Der beste Mumienfilm ohne Boris Karloff."
Sven Jachmann,
More reviews on our Tito On Ice blog.
Mehr Pressestimmen auf unserem Tito On Ice-Blogg.